Music Metrics Vault

Chorus - Mulan

Data updated on 2024-10-04 19:30:12 UTC
We have no information about this artist.


: movie tunes

Total plays

492.9 million
Updated on 2024-10-04

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    30,811 listeners
  2. France
    45,052 listeners
  3. Australia
    28,753 listeners
  4. Australia
    26,530 listeners
  5. United States
    21,706 listeners

Related artists

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David Ogden Stiers
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Jim Cummings
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Adriana Caselotti
Adriana Caselotti
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Liz English
Phil Harris
Phil Harris
Mary Costa
Mary Costa
Chorus - Sleeping Beauty
Ilene Woods
Ilene Woods
The Jud Conlon Chorus

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
I'll Make a Man Out of You
I'll Make a Man Out of You
340,764,716 3:19 1998-01-01
Honor To Us All - From "Mulan"/Soundtrack
Honor To Us All - From "Mulan"/Soundtrack
86,074,227 3:01 1998-01-01
Comme un homme - De "Mulan"
Comme un homme - De "Mulan"
26,284,389 3:21 2014-01-01
Voy a Hacer Todo un Hombre de Tí
Voy a Hacer Todo un Hombre de Tí
11,917,307 3:23 1998-01-01
Lesson Number One - From "Mulan II" / Soundtrack Version
Lesson Number One - From "Mulan II" / Soundtrack Version
11,448,676 2:26 2004-01-01
Une belle fille à aimer - De "Mulan"
Une belle fille à aimer - De "Mulan"
7,101,170 2:26 2014-01-01
Honneur à tous
Honneur à tous
6,232,340 3:02 2014-01-01
Honra Nos Darás
Honra Nos Darás
3,031,618 3:04 1998-01-01