Music Metrics Vault

Gael Garcia Bernal

Data updated on 2024-10-04 19:09:34 UTC
We have no information about this artist.


: movie tunes

Total plays

543.3 million
Updated on 2024-10-04

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. Mexico
    40,228 listeners
  2. Chile
    41,694 listeners
  3. Indonesia
    48,057 listeners
  4. United Kingdom
    26,724 listeners
  5. United States
    27,677 listeners

Related artists

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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Un Poco Loco - From "Coco"/Soundtrack Version
Un Poco Loco - From "Coco"/Soundtrack Version
237,544,253 1:52 2017-11-10
Un Poco Loco
Un Poco Loco
118,296,401 1:52 2017-10-27
Remember Me (Lullaby)
Remember Me (Lullaby)
105,720,430 1:10 2017-11-10
Recuérdame (Arrullo)
Recuérdame (Arrullo)
37,085,551 1:10 2017-10-27
25,638,479 1:15 2017-10-27
Everyone Knows Juanita
Everyone Knows Juanita
17,739,617 1:15 2017-11-10
If You Rescue Me (Chanson des chats)
If You Rescue Me (Chanson des chats)
717,662 2:51 2006-08-11
Before The Sunset
Before The Sunset
573,892 3:58 2016-08-26

New releases

Mi corazón Encantado - Live bar
Mi corazón Encantado - Live bar
[3074542 Records DK]
Recuérdame (Tributo acústico) [en Vivo desde el bar]
Recuérdame (Tributo acústico) [en Vivo desde el bar]
[3074542 Records DK]