Music Metrics Vault

Rachel House

Data updated on 2024-10-04 18:50:46 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

634.5 million
Updated on 2024-10-04

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    42,137 listeners
  2. Australia
    43,330 listeners
  3. Australia
    36,086 listeners
  4. Indonesia
    41,076 listeners
  5. Australia
    25,774 listeners

Related artists

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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Where You Are - From "Moana"/Soundtrack Version
Where You Are - From "Moana"/Soundtrack Version
316,465,540 3:30 2016-11-18
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)
158,253,615 2:43 2016-11-18
I Am Vaiana (Song of the Ancestors)
I Am Vaiana (Song of the Ancestors)
158,253,615 2:43 2016-11-18
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) (Ko Au A Moana) (Waiata a Nga tipuna)
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) (Ko Au A Moana) (Waiata a Nga tipuna)
623,077 2:43 2017-11-03
Where You Are (Waiata O Te Kainga)
Where You Are (Waiata O Te Kainga)
528,409 3:31 2017-11-03
2D Passion
2D Passion
57,915 2:04 2019-09-06
Velour Spell
Velour Spell
47,533 2:13 2019-09-06
Cold Hearted Glances
Cold Hearted Glances
43,177 1:22 2019-09-06
Slippery Music
Slippery Music
42,803 2:15 2019-09-06
Bad Dynamite
Bad Dynamite
39,620 2:16 2019-09-06
Friendly Truth
Friendly Truth
36,272 2:60 2019-09-06
Mahara Mai (Reunion)
Mahara Mai (Reunion)
30,102 1:14 2023-07-13
A Touch Of Your Frankness
A Touch Of Your Frankness
24,340 1:52 2019-09-06
Sudden Sweatshirt
Sudden Sweatshirt
23,872 1:58 2019-09-06
Stone Carnage
Stone Carnage
22,605 2:56 2019-09-06
Courage With Style
Courage With Style
22,234 2:60 2019-09-06
4,240 4:10 2022-07-01

New releases

[Matías León]
Good For Nothing Messages
Good For Nothing Messages
[Electric Dreams]